Would you pay to read a magazine that only published online?
- Sure: 2 votes (9%)
- It would have to be a really good magazine: 14 votes (63%)
- No way: 6 votes (27%)

The unofficial blog of the largest and oldest University Research Magazine Association in the known universe.
Would you pay to read a magazine that only published online?
The School: "On the first day of school in 2004, a Chechen terrorist group struck the Russian town of Beslan. Targeting children, they took more than eleven hundred hostages."
Winner, reporting, American Society of Mag. Editors' "Best American Magazine Writing, 2007." (C.J. Chivers, Esquire magazine)
American Society of Magazine Editors' Top 40 Magazine Covers of the Last 40 Years. See also: ASME's 2008 Best Magazine Cover Winners and Finalists
If your favorite (non-URMA) print magazine decided to suspend printing and publish only online (for free), would you still read it regularly?
Everyone see this?
Sarah Palin does science.
I kid you not. Genetics research. who needs it.
As I stood in the bathroom, ripping up boarding passes, waiting for the social network of male bathroom users to report my suspicious behavior, I decided to make myself as nervous as possible. I would try to pass through security with no ID, a fake boarding pass, and an Osama bin Laden T-shirt under my coat. I splashed water on my face to mimic sweat, put on a coat (it was a summer day), hid my driver's license, and approached security with a bogus boarding pass... (The Atlantic Online)
On average, how many times per year do you travel for magazine-related work?
(Jason here, posting as Margarite because there's something screwy with my Google account.)
Last week's poll:
Did the VP debate change your opinion of the VP candidates?
Although CNN seems to think "virgin birth" sounds better.
"In a study reported Friday in the Journal of Fish Biology, scientists said DNA testing proved that a pup carried by a female blacktip shark in a Virginia aquarium contained no genetic material from a male."
DNA test proves it -- baby shark has no father (CNN.com)
What My Copy Editor Taught Me (New York Times)
"Helene had no literary theories — she had literary values. She valued clarity and transparency. She had nothing against style, if it didn’t distract from the material. Her blue pencil struck at redundancy, at confusion, at authorial vanity, at the wrong and the false word, at the unearned conclusion. She loved good writing, therefore she loved the reader: good writing did not cause the reader to stumble over meaning."
Bluegrass legend Ralph Stanley lends his voice.
Listen for the unofficial URMA anthem, "Rank Stranger," playing in the background.
"Yes, these are really the front and back covers of this week’s issue of Nature. Really. The dog on the left looks so hopeful. The dog on the right... confused." (The Scientific Activist)
Tip of the hat to: Melissa Blouin.
Realistically, who do you think will win the U.S. presidential election?
The AIDS virus has been circulating among people for about 100 years, decades longer than scientists had thought, a new study suggests. (From CNN.com)
I'm betting this is gonna make a really cool story in the Univ of Arizona magazine.