Thursday, March 4, 2010

Shrinking Newsrooms Put Colleges in the Content Business

Onlookers question whether the shifting media landscape leaves higher education less accountable (Chronicle of Higher Ed)

Books in the Age of the iPad

"Print is dying. Digital is surging. Everyone is confused.... I want to look at where printed books stand in respect to digital publishing, why we historically haven't read long-form text on screens and how the iPad is wedging itself in the middle of everything. In doing so I think we can find the line in the sand to define when content should be printed or digitized."

New URMA issue on my desk

Volume 19: the 2010 issue of UNT Research (University of North Texas)

New URMA issue on my desk

Volume LXXIII, Number 1: the Winter 2010 issue of Engineering and Science (CalTech)